Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017

Rock, Paper and Scissors, series. Shortlist at #SWPA 2017
Uma reflexão a partir do universal jogo infantil “Pedra, Papel e Tesoura” que desde cedo ensina a tratar o resultado das nossas escolhas como sorte ou mesmo destino. A idealização das obras na forma de “PhotoSculptures” foi escolhida como meio de expressão para ressaltar o instante em que os objetos propositalmente parados no tempo e espaço convidam o observador a romper (ou não) com as regras já pré-estabelecidas. Pedra, papel ou tesoura? A sorte está nas nossas mãos?
This series of images is inspired by the universal children's game "Rock, Paper, Scissors" where outcomes are determined entirely by chance, luck or fate. These "PhotoSculptures" approach the game from a different perspective, freezing the rock, paper and scissors in time, and giving viewers the choice to either ignore or follow the rules. they are invited to participate in the story and decide the fate of the rock, paper and scissors. For these brief instants, fate is in our hands. Or maybe not.
Technique: Photography on Hahnemühle Fine Art 100% Cotton Paper - 310gsm.
Dimensions: 80 cm x 80 cm (Editions: #5)
Dimensions: 30 cm x 30 cm (Editions: #25)
Date: 2015